SET ANSI_NULLS ON go CREATE procedure [dbo].[Custom_data_driven_subscription] ( @SubscriptionID uniqueidentifier, @parameterNameLIST nvarchar(4000), -- pipe delimeted @parameterValueLIST nvarchar(4000), -- pipe delimeted @ExtensionSettingNameLIST nvarchar(4000), @ExtensionSettingValueLIST nvarchar(4000), @exitCode int output, @exitMessage nvarchar(255) output ) AS --DATE CREATED: 11/30/2007 --AUTHOR: Matt Spilich : Heavily Modified from code from Jason L. Selburg --PURPOSE: --This procedure extends the functionality of the subscription feature in Microsoft SQL Reporting Services 2005, allowing the subscriptions to be triggered via code. --PARAMETERS: --@SubscriptionID = This is the GUID of the subscription for the report we want to blast. This is passed (instead of the report name to ensure uniqueness) --@parameterNameLIST nvarchar(4000), -- A pipe delimeted list of parameter names --@parameterValueLIST nvarchar(4000), -- A pipe delimeted list of values to replace those names with -- ex. @parameterNameLIST = 'PARAM1|PARAM2|PRRAM3' where these are the parameter names defined in RS for the report --@parameterValueLIST = 'VALUE1|VALUE2|VALUE3' where these are the parameter values that match with each p name in the given sequence --@ExtensionSettingNameLIST nvarchar(4000), --@ExtensionSettingValueLIST nvarchar(4000), -- same as above. Here, some knowledge of what the Extenstion names the SSRS uses is required. Look at the XML, folks! --@exitCode = The returned integer value of the procedure's execution result. -- -2 'The subscription does not exist.' -- -4 'A data base error occurred inserting the subscription history record.' -- -5 'A data base error occurred clearing the previous subscription settings.' -- -6 'A data base error occurred replacing the XML of the ExtensionSetting.' -- -7 'A data base error occurred updating the Delivery settings.' -- -8 'A data base error occurred replacing the XML of the Parameter.' -- -9 'A data base error occurred updating the Parameter settings.' -- -10 'A data base error occurred updating the subscription history record.' -- -11 'A data base error occurred resetting the previous subscription settings.' --@exitMessage = The text description of the failure or success of the procedure. --PRECONDITIONS: --The subscription being called must exist --If any of the recipients email address are outside of the report server's domain, then you may need to contact your Network Administrator to allow email forwarding from your email server. --POST CONDITIONS: --The report is delivered or an error code and message is returned. --SECURITY REQUIREMENTS: --The user which calls this stored procedure must have execute permissions. --DEPENDANCES: --Tables: --ReportSchedule = Installed with SQL RS 2005 --Subscription_History = Must be created using the following script. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Custom_Subscription_History]( --[nDex] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, --[SubscriptionID] [uniqueidentifier] NULL, --[ScheduleName] [nvarchar](260) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS_KS_WS NULL, --[parameterSettings] [varchar](8000) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS_KS_WS NULL, --[deliverySettings] [varchar](8000) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS_KS_WS NULL, --[dateExecuted] [datetime] NULL, --[executeStatus] [nvarchar] (260) NULL, --[dateCompleted] [datetime] NULL, --[executionTime] AS (datediff(second,[datecompleted],[dateexecuted])), --CONSTRAINT [PK_Subscription_History] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED --( --[nDex] ASC --)WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] --) ON [PRIMARY] --------------------------------------------------------------------- --Subscriptions = Installed with SQL RS 2005 --Schedule = Installed with SQL RS 2005 DECLARE @scheduleID uniqueidentifier, @DELIM varchar(1), @NODE_NAME varchar(1000), @NODE_VALUE varchar(1000), @SUB_DATA xml, @UPDATE_DONE bit, @lerror int, @starttime datetime, @lastruntime datetime, @execTime datetime, @previousDVALUES nvarchar (4000), @previousPVALUES nvarchar (4000), @insertID int, @lretval int, @rowcount int DECLARE @PARAMS TABLE (PARAM_NAME varchar(1000), PARAM_VALUE varchar(1000)) DECLARE @EXTENSION TABLE (EXTENSION_NAME varchar(1000), EXTENSION_VALUE varchar(1000)) set @delim = '|' set @UPDATE_DONE = 0 set @starttime = dateadd(ss,-2,getdate()) --populate the @PARAMS table insert into @PARAMS select A.VALUE [Name], B.VALUE [Value] from dbo.fn_Split(@parameterNameLIST,@delim) A inner join dbo.fn_Split(@parameterValueLIST,@delim) B on A.idx = B.idx --populate the @EXTENSION table insert into @EXTENSION select A.VALUE [Name], B.VALUE [Value] from dbo.fn_Split(@ExtensionSettingNameLIST,@delim) A inner join dbo.fn_Split(@ExtensionSettingValueLIST,@delim) B on A.idx = B.idx select @scheduleID = rs.ScheduleID FROM ReportSchedule rs WHERE rs.subscriptionID = @subscriptionID IF @subscriptionID Is Null or @scheduleID is NULL BEGIN SET @exitCode = -2 SET @exitMessage = 'The subscription does not exist.' RETURN 0 END -- Modify the XML in the Parameters column to use the data that was passed in. select @SUB_DATA = Parameters , @previousDVALUES = extensionSettings , @previousPVALUES = parameters from SUBSCRIPTIONS where SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID set @UPDATE_DONE = 0 Declare C_PARAMS cursor for select * from @PARAMS open C_PARAMS fetch next from C_PARAMS into @NODE_NAME, @NODE_VALUE WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN set @SUB_DATA.modify(' replace value of (/ParameterValues[1]/ParameterValue[Name=sql:variable("@NODE_NAME")][1]/Value[1]/text()[1]) with sql:variable("@NODE_VALUE") ') set @UPDATE_DONE = 1 fetch next from C_PARAMS into @NODE_NAME, @NODE_VALUE END if @UPDATE_DONE = 1 BEGIN update SUBSCRIPTIONS set Parameters = convert(text, convert(varchar(max), @SUB_DATA)) where SubscriptionID = @SubscriptionID SELECT @lerror=@@error IF @lerror <> 0 BEGIN SET @exitcode = -8 SET @exitMessage = 'A data base error occurred updating the XML of the Parameter settings.' RETURN IsNull(@lerror, 0) END END close C_PARAMS deallocate C_PARAMS -- Modify the XML in the ExtensionSettings column to use the data that was passed in. select @SUB_DATA = ExtensionSettings from SUBSCRIPTIONS where SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID set @UPDATE_DONE = 0 Declare C_SETTINGS cursor for select * from @EXTENSION open C_SETTINGS fetch next from C_SETTINGS into @NODE_NAME, @NODE_VALUE WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN set @SUB_DATA.modify(' replace value of (/ParameterValues[1]/ParameterValue[Name=sql:variable("@NODE_NAME")][1]/Value[1]/text()[1]) with sql:variable("@NODE_VALUE") ') set @UPDATE_DONE = 1 fetch next from C_SETTINGS into @NODE_NAME, @NODE_VALUE END close C_SETTINGS deallocate C_SETTINGS if @UPDATE_DONE = 1 BEGIN update SUBSCRIPTIONS set ExtensionSettings = convert(text, convert(varchar(max), @SUB_DATA)) where SubscriptionID = @SubscriptionID SELECT @lerror=@@error IF @lerror <> 0 BEGIN SET @exitcode = -9 SET @exitMessage = 'A data base error occurred updating the XML of the ExtensionSettings settings.' RETURN IsNull(@lerror, 0) END END -- insert a record into the history table SET @execTime = getdate() INSERT [Custom_Subscription_History] (subscriptionID, scheduleName, ParameterSettings, DeliverySettings, dateExecuted, executeStatus) select subscriptionID, '', Parameters, ExtensionSettings , @execTime, 'incomplete' from subscriptions where subscriptionID = @subscriptionID SELECT @lerror=@@error, @rowCount=@@rowCount IF @lerror <> 0 OR IsNull(@rowCount, 0) = 0 BEGIN SET @exitcode = -4 SET @exitMessage = 'A data base error occurred inserting the subscription history record.' RETURN IsNull(@lerror, 0) END -- run the job EXEC msdb..sp_start_job @job_name = @scheduleID -- this gives the report server time to execute the job -- We're going to look for the report in executionlog, that's the best way to actaully wait for it to complete. -- I don't know for sure that it will appear if there is an issue, so we'll wait up to 5 minutes in total. --While not exists (select -- or SELECT @lastruntime = LastRunTime FROM ReportServer..Schedule WHERE ScheduleID = @scheduleID WHILE (@starttime > @lastruntime) BEGIN WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:01' SELECT @lastruntime = LastRunTime FROM ReportServer..Schedule WHERE ScheduleID = @scheduleID END --update the history table with the completion time UPDATE [Custom_Subscription_History] SET dateCompleted = getdate(), executeStatus = 'completed' WHERE subscriptionID = @subscriptionID and dateExecuted = @execTime SELECT @lerror=@@error, @rowCount=@@rowCount IF @lerror <> 0 OR IsNull(@rowCount, 0) = 0 BEGIN SET @exitcode = -10 SET @exitMessage = 'A data base error occurred updating the subscription history record.' RETURN IsNull(@lerror, 0) END --reset the previous delivery and parameter values UPDATE Subscriptions SET extensionSettings = @previousDVALUES , parameters = @previousPVALUES WHERE SubscriptionID = @SubscriptionID SELECT @lerror=@@error, @rowCount=@@rowCount IF @lerror <> 0 OR IsNull(@rowCount, 0) = 0 BEGIN SET @exitcode = -11 SET @exitMessage = 'A data base error occurred resetting the previous subscription settings.' RETURN IsNull(@lerror, 0) END --return the result of the subscription SELECT @exitMessage = LastStatus FROM subscriptions WHERE subscriptionID = @subscriptionID SET @exitCode = 1 RETURN 0 GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO